CRank: 9Score: 64570

To see that Halo3 did not make it on there. There is nothing special about Halo 3 in terms of stuff we have not seen. Sure you can capture your favorite moments on Halo 3 but who cares? That feature will be used by the hardcore and the hardcore alone. Halo 3 is nothing more than a good FPS with a decent storyline. It is nice to see that the titles are fairly even across the board as far as platforms go.

6206d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Looks like 2007 is definitely the year for Xbox 360 but I have a feeling that 2008 belongs to the PS3.

6207d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

...tops in 24 hours time.

Edit: ;-)

6207d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Better to pre-order and not need it than to need it and not have pre-ordered...

6207d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment


All I can say is that this game has hit my "must have list". It is definitely going to be fun and exciting if the entire game is anything like the demo I played. The demo was short but it sure had me hooked. My son had me play through it twice. He thought I was letting him watch a cartoon and he could not keep his eyes off it. Great looking and fun playing game.

6207d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This game is a cinematic experience that you can feel. So much so that the emotions you feel at a certain point in the game (I won’t say when but for those who have played it through know what I am talking about) made me wince in horror for the characters. It is by far the most emotion-full game I have played in forever. Games like this deserve game of the year awards, not more shooters that do nothing for the gaming industry but breed more shooters of the same.

6207d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Come on, if they sell 10 million copies of that game I will be very surprised. You can bet that they might hit 8 million (over the entire life of the console) but 10 million is pushing it a bit too far. Only 33% of the Xbox fan base last gen purchased Halo 2 and they are saying that Halo 3 will hit 10 million sold? There are only 11 million consoles out there! lol

6207d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

You must be an xbot that never played the game. Typical comment from an idiot fanboy…

6207d ago 11 agree0 disagreeView comment

If Sony released a $399 bundle with the PS3 and Spiderman 3 on BD... Can you imagine what would happen? Think of what happened in sales when the 60gb model went down a hundred bucks. They sold like crazy and that was with no game or movie! A bundle before the holidays is a great way to boost sales to get that 11 million shipped they are aiming for.

6207d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The final battle. The ending of this game was bar none the best I have seen in years. The game may have been short for some but to get to the end of it was a pleasant trip and finished with a spectacular finale.

6207d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

A critic that will give this game what it deserves without fear of public backlash. Halo 3 is another FPS amongst many other FPS's and has a good story to boot. With slightly off base graphics from other games in it's "hype zone" and a short campaign, I see no reason a game like this that brings few new experiences to the table deserves anything greater than a 9. But then again, that is my opinion. My hats off to the review here as they have shown no fear towards Microsoft and their...

6207d ago 11 agree14 disagreeView comment

How big the game is as far as disc size goes makes no dif to me. However, the game, if it is long and fun like all the other R&C's then you can expect this to be a great title. Heck, at least it's something other than another A-Typical shooter on the Xbox...

6209d ago 6 agree4 disagreeView comment

But this is the new generation of gaming and changing discs is last gen and beyond. Looks like Microsofts push to get the console out the door a year early and make it cheap to the consumer is showing it's flaw early on. Makes me wonder how the graphics and what not will be like 3 years down the road compared to the PS3 in open world games... Will people be saticefied with Oblivion type graphics 3 years from now or will they want to see Bioshock/Gears of War/Heavenly Sword graphics in their o...

6210d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Considering that the sales on Enchanted Arms was so bad, you can only see why they needed to pull the exclusivity and go multiplatform. With FFXIII, they will have no problem selling that game even with it being on the PS3 alone. By next year there will be well over 8 million PS3's in the consumers hands and my guess is that the game itself will help push nearly 1 million consoles alone.

6210d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

That FFXIII was going to grace the 360 has got to be a complete moron. Sorry but the Japanes like their FF and they like their PS's. Not much love over there for the 360 so it was only a given that the game was going to be on the PS3.

6210d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Games are coming to the PS3 and from the looks of the exclusive titles they have lined up, they will have a great end to this year and a great 2008.

6211d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

But too bad MS made the poor decision to go with an old media format. Would have been nice had they gone with HD-DVD for their drive IMO.

6211d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

On a console, final battles like this one have not been done. Having seen it first hand, the end battle when fighting Bohan and being surrounded by thousands of enemies all vying for your death makes for a great ending. The one on one battle was great but at the beginning when you first start the final battle, seeing all the enemies on the screen at the same time, all having their own motions made me actually drop my jaw. Very impressive from a developer standpoint. I could care less what har...

6213d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

That's because it is last gen. What I am saying is that I am sure Team Ninja did no motion capture for this game and if they did it was at a bare minimum. Heavenly Sword used the best motion capture studio in the world and gave us for the first time ever, characters that showed emotion in its truest form. NG2 is a hack and slash with no emotion and that is exactly what we all had last gen. I am going to get NG2 for my 360 but I do wish more devs would poor more heart into games and induce mor...

6213d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I just beat this game yesterday and having obtained and opened all available content I can say that this game for those who are thorough is about 12 to 14 hours of game play. If you beat it in 5 or 6 then you are missing a ton of cool extras and/or lying through your teeth. The final battle is cinematic enough and tough enough to make even the finest of Xbots retire all hatred and take a swing at this game. I wish people would put down the hate for the PS3 for a second to realize that this ga...

6213d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment